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- The NComm V3.0 script language
- ==============================
- A scriptfile is an ASCII textfile that consists of different commands,
- separated by one or more linefeeds. Edit the scriptfiles with your
- favourite editor. Only one command is allowed per line, but blank
- lines are also OK. A line can consist of blanks before the command and
- between parameters. Comments can be added by entering a semicolon. A
- label is marked with a colon as its last character, e.g. "quit:". The
- script commands are case independent, but strings within quotes are
- not.
- Scripts are mainly used to automate logons, or to companion you while
- you are online. Scripts can also perform more advanced functions,
- like grabbing mail and perhaps posting it on another board (or even
- printing it!). You set the limits...
- NComm scripts can be started from the menu or from the phonebook (at
- CONNECT). You may also Shift-Select a script when starting NComm.
- One example script and one Host-Mode script have been included with
- the NComm package. Take a look at them if you don't understand how to
- use the commands.
- Important: The filenames specified in a scriptfile are relative to
- the current directory, NOT the default upload and download
- directories!
- Quick-Index (strings within brackets are optional)
- --------------------------------------------------
- ASCSEND "filename" : Send a file to the serial port
- AUTODOWN ON|OFF : Turn Zmodem auto-download on or off
- AUTOUP ON|OFF : Turn Zmodem auto-upload on or off
- AUTOXFER ON|OFF : Turn G&R commands on or off
- BEEP : Make an audible/visible/screentofront beep
- BREAK : Send a break to the host machine
- CAPTURE "filename" : Capture serial input to a file
- CD "directory" : Change current directory for "CLI" commands
- CHAIN "filename" : Start another script
- CLEARVARS : Clear all variables
- CLI "command" : Execute external command
- CLRSTACK : Clear the RETURN stack
- CONFIG "filename" : Load another configuration file
- CONVERSE "in" "out" : Wait for input, send output
- DELAY seconds : Wait for specified number of seconds
- DIAL "boardname"[,"next"] : Dial one or more entries in phonebook
- DIAL# "number"[,"next"] : Dial one or more telephone numbers
- DLWHEN : Delete last WHEN command
- DORX "filename" : Execute an ARexx command/script
- DOWNLOAD "filename"[,P] : Download file [with protocol P]
- DTENTHS tenthseconds : Delay for specified number of tenthseconds
- DUMP ["filename"] : Dump list of variables [to optional file]
- DWHEN "string" : Delete WHEN checking for "string"
- DWHENS : Delete all WHEN statements
- ECHO ON|OFF : Enable/disable INPUT/ASCSEND/MSGSEND cmd echo
- END : Stop execution of script
- GOSUB subroutine : Call a subroutine
- GOTO label : Jump to a label
- HANGUP : Hang up the phone
- IF <exp> THEN <command> : Execute command if expression is TRUE
- INPUT $variable "stopchar" : Put serial-port input in variable, until stopchar
- LOADKEYS "filename" : Load a new set of macrokeys
- LOADPHONE "filename" : Load a new phonebook
- MENUSELECT menu item sub : Select an item/subitem from the menu
- MESSAGE "message" : Display a message on the terminal
- MSGSEND "filename" : Send a message to the serial port
- NCOMMTOFRONT : Brings the NComm screen to front
- PADLINES ON|OFF : Turn padding of blank lines off/on
- PALETTE : Open the palette requester
- PRINTER ON|OFF : Turn the printer on or off
- QUIT : Exit NComm
- READVAR $variable : Read a line from VARFILE into $variable
- REPEAT<->UNTIL <expression>: Perform a loop until expression is TRUE
- REDIAL ON|OFF : Turn redial on or off
- REQUEST ON|OFF : Turn system/NComm requesters on/off
- RESUME ON|OFF : Turn Zmodem resume on or off
- RETURN : Returns from a sub-routine (see GOSUB)
- SEND "string" : Send a string to the serial port
- SET $variable = "value" : Assign value to $variable
- SIMPLEREQ "string" : Display string in a simple requester
- STRPART out pos len in : Places parts of the in string in the out string
- TIMEOUT seconds [command] : Sets timeout to seconds [and command at timeout]
- UPLOAD "filename"[,P] : Upload file [with protocol P]
- VARFILE "filename"|CLOSE : Open file for input/close file (see READVAR)
- WAIT "string" : Waits for string to be received (see TIMEOUT)
- WHILE <exp> DO...ENDWHILE : Perform loop if expression is TRUE (check first)
- WHEN "string" command : Execute command when string is received
- WRITE "filename" "string" : Write string to file
- Summary of Script commands
- --------------------------
- Starts ASCII text send of the filename given. Example:
- ASCSEND "df1:text/msg"
- The TIMEOUT command also concerns ASCSEND. If ASCSEND is halted by a
- ^S and no ^Q has been received within the timelimit specified by
- TIMEOUT, the script will go on with the next command. XON will be
- turned on before ASCSEND.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns Zmodem auto-download ON or OFF.
- Example:
- AUTODOWN ON ;Turns Zmodem auto-download on
- AUTODOWN OFF ;Turns Zmodem auto-download off
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns Zmodem auto-upload ON or OFF.
- Example:
- AUTOUP ON ;Turns Zmodem auto-upload on
- AUTOUP OFF ;Turns Zmodem auto-upload off
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns G&R commands ON or OFF.
- Example:
- AUTOXFER ON ;Turns G&R commands on
- AUTOXFER OFF ;Turns G&R commands off
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will cause an audible 'beep' of the terminal and / or will flash the
- screen and / or will bring the screen to front, depending on what you
- have configured in the SCREEN menu. Nothing is sent through the
- serial port.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sends a break to the host machine. Equivalent to SEND "\l".
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Toggles ASCII capture on/off. Examples:
- CAPTURE "filename"
- Will open the capture file and turn on capture. It will be opened in
- 'append mode' if the file exists...
- Will suspend capture. Capture can be turned on again with the command
- Will turn capture off and close the file. The file cannot be opened
- again with the CAPTURE ON command.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CD
- Problems occur when the "CD" command is used with the CLI function.
- The "CD" command has therefore been made a special function. It
- simply changes the directory that is to be used for commands started
- with the "CLI" function.
- Example:
- CD "RAM:" ;Will change the current working directory to 'RAM:'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will start a new script. The control will never return to the calling
- script. This is useful when you need extremely long scripts that
- won't fit in memory.
- Example:
- CHAIN "NComm:ReadNews.script"
- Note: Variables will not be deleted when using the CHAIN command.
- Use the command CLEARVARS if you want to delete all variables.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command deletes all variables.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will execute a program or a command. The output from these programs
- and commands will occur in the NComm window. This command will be
- relative to the directory you were standing in when you started NComm.
- Please note; Current Directory can not be set with the CLI command,
- probably due to problems with the Amiga operating system. The "CD"
- function must therefore be used for this purpose.
- Examples:
- CLI "dir dh0:comms"
- CLI "type ram:foo.bar"
- CLI "pkax ram:grabfile.arc"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command clears the RETURN stack, i.e. it forgets active
- subroutine calls (gosubs). The command is handy at error situations,
- when you wish to "jump out" of the program and start over again, for
- example in conjunction with TIMEOUT or WHEN commands.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will read a new configuration file. Example:
- CONFIG "NComm:MBBS.config"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will wait for a prompt from the host machine and answer it.
- Examples:
- CONVERSE "Enter your name:" "Name\n" ;Waits for 'Enter your name:'
- CONVERSE "enter your password:" "\p\n" ;Sends phonebook password + CR
- CONVERSE "Command:" "G\n" ;Sends 'G' and newline
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The script program will take a break. The program will function as
- normal.
- Examples:
- DELAY 5 ;Wait 5 seconds
- DELAY UNTIL 12:00 ;Wait until 12 o'clock.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will dial one or more phonenumbers. Can also dial entries in the
- phonebook. If you choose to dial phonenumbers, use the command
- 'DIAL#'. The numbers must be placed within quotation marks. If you
- choose to dial more than one number, the numbers can be separated by a
- comma.
- Examples:
- DIAL# "454143"
- DIAL# "380949", "416588", "454143"
- Named entries in the phonebook can be dialled by specifying the
- boardname within quotation marks. You only have to specify the number
- of letters required to separate the board from the others. The
- name is not case sensitive.
- Examples:
- DIAL "AmigaBBS"
- DIAL "rode", "Mike's", "media"
- DIAL "Rodel°kka (M)BBS"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Deletes the last defined WHEN command. Repeated usage will succesive
- delete the "previous" WHEN command. See: WHEN.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command executes an ARexx command/script.
- Example: DORX "ncomm:test_rx.ncomm"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will download a file from the host machine. The protocol specified in
- the TRANSFER menu will be used as long as nothing else is specified.
- If you want to specify another protocol, enter a comma and a letter.
- The filename is "dummy" when using Zmodem.
- X == Xmodem, Y == Ymodem, B == Ymodem-B, G == Ymodem-G, Z == Zmodem,
- K == Kermit, E == External XPR (as defined in config file),
- I == Bimodem, P == BModem Plus, J == Jmodem, Q == QuickB,
- V == VMS, U == Uue-Ascii
- Examples:
- DOWNLOAD "df1:junk" ;Will use the default protocol
- DOWNLOAD "df0:trash",X ;Will always use Xmodem
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is a much more precise delay command, but only use this command
- when this accuracy is needed, since it will lock up the system. The
- DTENTHS parameter is the number of tenth seconds to wait.
- Examples:
- DTENTHS 2 ;Wait 0.2 seconds
- DTENTHS 16 ;Wait 1.6 seconds
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Command for debugging a script. It dumps a list of all variables and
- what they contain, on screen. If you specify a filename, output will
- be appended to the file instead, and will not be shown on screen.
- Example: DUMP "t:debug_info"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Deletes a specific WHEN command. It should be followed by the string
- that you used for activating the WHEN command.
- Example:
- WHEN "abc" GOTO abc
- WHEN "bcd" GOTO bcd
- [...]
- DWHEN "abc" ;remove "abc" when checking
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will disable all previously used WHEN commands. See: WHEN.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command defines if characters read by the INPUT command shall be
- echoed. ECHO ON should be used when input is read from a user in the
- other end. ECHO OFF should be used when input is read from a Bulletin
- Board System, or when the user is not supposed to see what he writes.
- ECHO should be turned ON if the functions ASCSEND and MSGSEND are
- supposed to echo text locally. The output from the CLI command will
- be sent to the serial port if ECHO has been turned on.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will stop the execution of the script. This command is especially
- useful in front of subroutines.
- Example:
- WHEN "Read>" GOSUB next
- WAIT "No more unread."
- Next: SEND "\n"
- MESSAGE "(Skipping to next unread)\n"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will call a named subroutine. Useful when you want to use the same
- command many times within a script, or in connection with WHEN or
- TIMEOUT. The subroutine is ended with 'RETURN', and the control is
- passed to the line following the GOSUB afterwards.
- Example:
- GOSUB myRoutine
- MyRoutine: MESSAGE "Fooo\n"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ever heard of this? Will jump to a named place in the script.
- Example:
- GOTO quit
- ...
- Numeric example that counts from 1 to 100:
- SET $sum="0"
- SUM: SET $sum = $sum+"1"#
- MESSAGE "Number: "$sum"\n"
- IF !$sum == "100" THEN GOTO SUM
- NOTE: Don't use "LABEL: GOTO LABEL" if you want an "endless" wait.
- This will steal most of your machine's CPU. Use the DELAY or WAIT
- commands instead.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will send the hangup string to the modem (or lower DTR if you have
- selected DTR hangup).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IF <expression> THEN <operation>
- It should be obvious what this command does. A valid expression can
- be either a comparison of two strings or a check for a file. The
- exclamation mark ('!') works as a boolean 'NOT' operator.
- String comparisons are performed with the "==" operator, which tests for
- case independent equality, i.e. "foo" == "FOO" is TRUE;
- !"bar" == "yum" is TRUE (because of the '!' (NOT) operator)
- EXISTS checks if a file exists. The following are examples on valid
- IF commands:
- SELECTFALSE opens up a "Yes / No" requester and is TRUE if the user
- selected "No".
- RING checks for a (hardware) RING signal.
- CARRIER checks for (hardware) CARRIER detect.
- IF $password == "abcdef" THEN MESSAGE "Access granted\n"
- IF !$password == "xyz" THEN GOTO KillUser
- IF EXISTS "NComm:host.config" THEN CONFIG "NComm:host.config"
- IF !EXISTS $file THEN SEND "File not found!\n"
- IF !SELECTFALSE "Slow modem?" THEN SET $baud = "300"
- Loop: DELAY 1
- GOTO Loop
- The whole command must be placed on a single line, including the 'THEN'
- part...
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command reads input from the serial port and places it in a
- variable until a specific string has been received. ^H (backspace)
- deletes the last character, ^U deletes the whole string. The
- searchstring will not be added to the variable. Control characters
- will not be added. Example:
- SEND "Enter your first name: "
- INPUT $name "\r" ;Input will be placed in the variable 'name'
- ;until carriage return is received.
- The TIMEOUT command also concerns the INPUT command. The timeout
- defines how long INPUT shall wait for the terminating string ("\r" in
- the mentioned example). Example:
- TIMEOUT 180 Goto BiBi
- SEND "Enter a command: "
- INPUT $cmd "\r"
- ...
- BiBi: SEND "\n\nLooks like you fell asleep!! Bye-bye!\n"
- It is also possible to read a single character without having to
- wait for ENTER or other strings:
- INPUT $char ""
- INPUT can both be used for reading input from a user in connection
- with "Host Mode", or grabbing pieces of text from a Bulletin Board
- System;
- WAIT "Bulletins have been updated: "
- INPUT $bull " "
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will read a new macrokeys file.
- Example:
- LOADKEYS "NComm:dec.Keys"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will read a new phonebook file.
- Example:
- LOADPHONE "NComm:dialdir.phone"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command selects a function from the menu.
- Example:
- MENUSELECT SYSTEM 0 ;Open About Window
- MENUSELECT TRANSFER 6 2 ;Selects KERMIT Change Directory
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will write a message on the screen. Nothing is sent through the
- serial port. You may use all the conventions that are valid for
- macrokeys. Please refer to the NComm.doc.
- Example:
- MESSAGE "\fReading mail...\n"
- MESSAGE "Storing mail in file \"DF1:Mail.txt\"\n"
- SET $var = 5
- MESSAGE "1"+$var-"2"#"\n" ;The result will be 4 ((1+5)-2)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Same as the "message send" function in the TRANSFER menu, will upload
- a message.
- Example:
- MSGSEND "DF1:tekst/msg"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Brings the current NComm screen to front.
- Example:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns padding of blank lines ON or OFF.
- Example:
- PADLINES ON ;Will turn on padding of blank lines
- PADLINES OFF ;Will turn off padding of blank lines
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Will open the palette requester.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns the printer ON or OFF.
- Example:
- PRINTER ON ;Will turn on the printer
- PRINTER OFF ;Will turn off the printer
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Exits NComm.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command reads a line from the file defined by VARFILE and places
- the input in the variable name that follows. Please refer to VARFILE.
- The variable will contain "EOF" after the read if the function hits an
- end of file mark...
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns redial ON or OFF.
- Example:
- REDIAL ON ;Will turn redial on
- REDIAL OFF ;Will turn redial off
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- REPEAT<->UNTIL <expression> ...
- This command performs what is situated between REPEAT and UNTIL. If
- the expression is FALSE/TRUE, the procedure will be repeated. See
- "IF...THEN" for a discussion of valid expressions. The command has the
- same restrictions as WHILE/ENDWHILE.
- Example:
- SEND "Enter command: "
- INPUT $cmd "\r"
- GOSUB DoCommand
- UNTIL $cmd == "quit"
- Numeric example that counts from 1 to 100:
- SET $sum = $sum+"1"#
- MESSAGE "Number: "$sum"\n"
- UNTIL $sum == "100"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function is used when the scriptfile is run without human
- presence. It will then be unpreferable that AmigaDOS puts up a
- requester if problems occur (disk full, read / write error etc.) By
- turning request OFF, this is disabled. Note: NComm will automatically
- overwrite existing files if request has been turned off
- Example:
- REQUEST OFF ;Turns requesters off
- REQUEST ON ;Will turn the requesters back on again
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turns Zmodem resume ON or OFF.
- Example:
- RESUME ON ;Turns Zmodem resume on
- RESUME OFF ;Turns Zmodem resume off
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Returns from a subroutine. See GOSUB.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sends a string to the host machine. You may use all the conventions
- that are valid for macrokeys. Please refer to the NComm.doc
- Examples:
- SEND "\n" ;Linefeed
- SEND "Read\n" ;'Read' plus a CR
- SEND "\m1^z" ;Macro #1 plus a 'Control-Z'
- SEND "\p\n" ;The password stored in the phonebook plus a CR
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command is used for assigning values to variables. Variables
- have name in the form $name where 'name' starts with a letter. The
- value must be of type string, either a literal (with quotation marks)
- or another variable. A number is assigned to a variable by entering
- the number as a string.
- Examples:
- SET $name = "Daniel"
- SEND $name
- SET $filename = "RAM:foo"
- CAPTURE $filename
- SET $UserName = $name
- SET $Number1 = "13"
- SET $Number2 = "5"
- SET $Sum = $Number1+$Number2# ; Set Sum = Number1 + Number2 (18)
- SET $Sum = $Sum+"1"# ; Set Sum = Sum + 1
- MESSAGE $Sum"\n" ; Output the result (19)
- The last example needs a bit of explanation. NComm threats string and
- numeric variables exactly the same way. The only difference is when
- you want to do some sort of calculation.
- To specify that this line should perform a calculation, place a '#'
- character after the arithmetic expression. You may add strings or
- string variables after the arithmetic expression if necessary:
- MESSAGE "1"+"1"#"\n" ; Outputs '2' plus a linefeed.
- Numbers always have priority from left to right. The following
- result will therefore be (1+5)*2 == 12, not 1+(5*2) == 11:
- SET $var = "1"+"5"*"2"#
- MESSAGE $var"\n"
- Negative variables are also accepted:
- SET $sum ="-1"+"-3"#"\n" ; The result is -4
- The following arithmetic types are supported:
- '+': Addition '/': Division
- '-': Subtraction '%': Modulo
- '*': Multiplication '^': Power
- Variables can be used everywhere where strings are expected. There
- are a few pre-defined variables available:
- $date contains the current date and time (READ ONLY).
- $ncomm contains the current version number (READ ONLY).
- $baud contains the current baud rate (Read/Write).
- $length contains the current data length (Read/Write).
- $parity contains the current parity (Read/Write).
- $stopbits contains the current number of stopbits (Read/Write)
- $charset contains the current character set (Read/Write).
- $filereq opens up a filereq and returns the filename (READ ONLY).
- $stringreq opens up a textreq and returns the string (READ ONLY).
- $rand gives you a random number between 0 and 65535 (READ ONLY).
- $boardname contains the current board name (READ ONLY).
- $boardnum contains the current board phone number (READ ONLY).
- $logtime contains the current logon time (READ ONLY).
- $dldir contains the current download dir (READ ONLY).
- $uldir contains the current upload dir (READ ONLY).
- Example that generates a random number between 0 and 15:
- set $range = "15" ;Generate a random number between 0 and 15
- ;Actual result will be placed in the $newrand variable
- main:
- gosub rand
- message "Your lucky number is: "$newrand"\n"
- end
- rand: ;To generate a new random number, gosub to this routine
- set $newrange = $range+"1"#
- set $newrand = $rand*$newrange/"65536"#
- return
- It is also possible to concatenate several variables and/or literals;
- SEND $name"\n"
- SET $directory = "NComm:files/"
- INPUT $filename "\r"
- UPLOAD $directory$filename
- SET $baud = "300" ;sets baud-rate to 300 baud
- SEND $date"\n" ;print current date and time
- SET $length = "7" ;7 data bits
- SET $parity = "E" ;even parity
- SET $charset = "IBN" ;set IBN character set
- SET $var1 = "10"
- SET $var2 = "10"
- SET $var3 = $var1+$var2/"4"# ; Set $Var3 = ((10 + 10) / 4) == 5
- MESSAGE $var3+"5"#"\n" ; Display with linefeed: $Var3 + 5 == 10
- It is not valid referring to variables having no value assigned.
- NOTE: You may use the pre-defined variable $FILEREQ for obtaining
- a filename.
- Example:
- SET $filename = $FILEREQ ;open filereq, put name in $filename
- IF $filename != "" CONFIG $filename ;use the filename
- Use the pre-defined variable $STRINGREQ if you want the user to
- type in a string.
- Example:
- SET $baud = $STRINGREQ ;set baud-rate to number entered by user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Use this command if you want to display text in a seperate requester.
- Example: SIMPLEREQ "You selected: "$filename"\n"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function returns the length of a string.
- Example: SET $foobar = "foobar"
- STRLEN $len $foobar
- MESSAGE $len"\n"
- This example will output 6. You may also specify the text directly
- like this: STRLEN $len "foobar"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function copies parts of a string, starting at a specific position,
- into another string.
- Example:
- SET $varin = "foobar"
- STRPART $varout 3 2 $varin
- MESSAGE $varout"\n"
- This example will output the string "ba" (startpos 3, length 2).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command lets you configure how long NComm should wait in a WAIT,
- CONVERSE or INPUT command. Default timeout is 'forever', but this is
- not preferable if the script is running without human assistance. If
- the host machine does not answer, it is reasonable to believe that it
- has hung, and a scriptfile should then automatically disconnect from
- the system. The TIMEOUT command can be used in many ways.
- Examples:
- Means that NComm shall wait a maximum of 10 seconds. If no text has
- been received within the timelimit, NComm will go on with the next
- command.
- TIMEOUT 10 SEND "\n"
- Specifies that NComm is to wait a maximum of 10 seconds for each WAIT
- or CONVERSE command. If the specified text has not been received
- within 10 seconds, NComm will send a linefeed to the host machine and
- will continue waiting for the text. NComm will continue sending
- linefeeds every 10th second until the host machine has answered.
- NComm is to go back to the default mode, i.e. wait forever.
- Example of typical usage:
- TIMEOUT 30 GOTO quit
- CONVERSE "Enter your name:" "Daniel Bloch\n"
- CONVERSE "Enter your password:" "gruff\n"
- CONVERSE "Command:" "GRAB\n"
- ...
- ...
- quit: MESSAGE "\n\nThe board has hung, call the SysOp!!!\n"
- HANGUP ;Hang up so that we won't get a shock when
- END ;the next phonebill arrives!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Uploads a file to the host machine. See the 'DOWNLOAD' function for
- the correct syntax.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command opens a file for input. The file may later on be used
- for reading text into variables via the command READVAR.
- Example:
- VARFILE "ncomm:host/users/"$user ;open input file for reading
- READVAR $passwd ;place first line of file in variable $passwd
- READVAR $laston ;place second line of file in variable $laston
- VARFILE CLOSE ;closes the input file
- MESSAGE "Hello "$user"! You were last on at "$laston"\n"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Waits for a special text to be received. Will wait forever if the
- TIMEOUT command has not been used.
- Examples:
- WAIT "" ;Wait for 'anything'
- WAIT "\n" ;Wait for a linefeed
- WAIT "Command:" ;Wait for 'Command:'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- WHILE <expression> DO ... ENDWHILE
- This function performs what is situated within DO and ENDWHILE until
- the expression is TRUE/FALSE.
- Example:
- SET $cmd = ""
- WHILE !$cmd == "quit" DO
- SEND "Enter command: "
- INPUT $cmd "\r"
- GOSUB DoCommand
- Numeric example that counts from 1 to 100:
- SET $sum="0"
- WHILE !$sum == "100" DO
- SET $sum = $sum+"1"#
- MESSAGE "Number: "$sum"\n"
- It is not valid jumping out of a WHILE/ENDWHILE loop using GOTO or
- RETURN. It is still possible to exit the loop using GOTO and the
- command CLRSTACK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Defines what to do when a special text is received. The command is
- case sensitive.
- Typical example:
- WHEN "--more--" SEND " "
- This command will make NComm send a 'blank' line every time it
- receives the 'more' prompt from the host machine. This is independent
- of where in the script you reside. It is possible to specify up to
- twenty such textstrings.
- Example:
- WHEN "--more--" SEND " "
- WHEN "Sysop is coming online!" GOSUB ShutUp
- WHEN "No more unread" GOTO Quit
- Loop: CONVERSE "Command:" "\n"
- GOTO loop
- Quit: SEND "G;Y\n"
- ShutUp: SEND "I'm not at home! You are chatting with a scriptfile!\n"
- SEND "Send BIBI at the speed of light!!!\n\n"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This command writes a textstring to a file. If the file exists, the
- string will be appended to the file. Example:
- WRITE "NComm:host/log" "Logged in: "$username"\n"
- | |
- Name of file String
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------